Monday, June 11, 2007

New Storage !!

I am so lucky! Gary built me a new buffet for my crafts. I have gone from a folding table with a ton of stuff stacked on the top, to this great big piece of real furniture.

I thought it would be really easy to just put my stuff into it, but then I decided it would be silly not to sort it and organize it first. That turned into an all day affair. But so worth it!

Gary thinks I am nuts as I just keep looking at it and smiling. Those lucky enough to have a full stamp room might think I am nuts too, but it is just so great to have this with doors and all :)

The only thing that I did lose is the table top space to work on, but 90% of the time my table was so much of a mess I worked on the kitchen table anyway. So I will be working on the kitchen table most of the time. I did pull a chair up to the buffet (I need to think of a new name for this, it just is funny to me) but it was hard with the doors there, and a little too tall. It would be great if I stamped standing up.

Lets just see if I can keep it clean for a few days.

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